Christmix may be over, but there are three more remixes coming this week to complete the 'In The Mix' remix package! Monday (Today), Wednesday and Friday ...!
TODAY it's the EXTENDED VERSION of 'This Was My House' with extra production gold from Initial Talk, extra vocals from Niki Haris and Donna De Lory and I really hope you like it!
Streaming now at
If you don't use Spotify, make sure you follow me where you DO stream or download by Friday (hint hint)
In unexpected news today, my little piano composition 'Something In Your Eye' from my 'Quiet City' modern classical EP becomes my first song to reach 1 million streams! I'm so surprised and so grateful! Thank you to everyone who's listened, shared, told a friend, added to a playlist ... so wonderful x
Hope you've been enjoying the Christmix Advent Calendar! For anyone who's missed any days, there's a permalink on my Patreon page where if you subscribe for one month, you can access all the days' tracks for the whole month.
Don't forget the non-mashups (originals) are up on Spotify [here] every Monday, Wednesday & Friday!